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All Record Of Ragnarok Fights In Order

All Record of Ragnarok Fights in Order provides a comprehensive overview of the epic battles depicted in the popular manga and anime series, “Record of Ragnarok.” As a showcase of the intense confrontations between humanity’s greatest warriors and mythological gods, this compilation serves as a captivating narrative of courage, strength, and determination. From the initial clash between humans and deities to the thrilling showdowns that ensue throughout the series, this collection offers a chronological account of each monumental fight, highlighting the intricate strategies, fierce combat, and profound character development that unfold within each encounter. Dive into the world of “Record of Ragnarok” and witness the legendary battles that shape the fate of humanity and the divine realm.

All Record Of Ragnarok Fights In Order

Who Is Ragnarok

Ragnarok, a concept deeply rooted in Norse mythology, represents the cataclysmic end of the world and the cycle of creation and destruction. In Norse cosmology, Ragnarok signifies a series of apocalyptic events that ultimately lead to the destruction of the world and the subsequent rebirth of a new one.

At the heart of Ragnarok lies the clash between the forces of chaos and order, as foretold in ancient Norse prophecies. This epic confrontation involves a multitude of cosmic entities, including gods, giants, and other mythical beings, locked in a final, decisive battle for supremacy.

The onset of Ragnarok is marked by various portents and omens, including natural disasters, wars, and the release of monstrous creatures. As the cosmic struggle unfolds, key figures such as Odin, Thor, Loki, and the wolf Fenrir play pivotal roles, embodying different aspects of the cosmic conflict.

All Record Of Ragnarok Fights In Order

As Round 9 concludes in Record of Ragnarok, viewers have been treated to a series of breathtaking battles with unexpected outcomes. Despite the mortal nature of the human combatants, known as Einherjar, their remarkable talents and unwavering motivations, coupled with the assistance of Volund, have provided them with a distinct advantage in each confrontation.

The ongoing tournament, which requires one side to claim 7 victories for ultimate triumph, has seen humanity secure several noteworthy wins. While Round 10 looms ahead, promising further suspense, the current tally of victories and defeats remains pivotal in determining the ultimate victor.

Maintaining a delicate balance between revealing the results of each round and preserving the element of surprise for viewers, an official Record of Ragnarok fight list has been compiled. This comprehensive list details the winners and losers from each round, offering insight into the evolving dynamics of the tournament and the remarkable feats achieved by both humans and gods alike.

In the thrilling saga of Record of Ragnarok, each round of the epic tournament pits formidable human warriors, known as Einherjar, against powerful mythological gods in a series of intense battles. The sequence of confrontations unfolds as follows:

All Record Of Ragnarok Fights In Order

Round 1: The mighty Thor faces off against the legendary Chinese warrior Lü Bu, showcasing a clash of titans from different cultures.

Round 2: The supreme god Zeus squares off against Adam, the first human created by divine hands, in a battle that tests the limits of mortal and divine strength.

Round 3: Poseidon, ruler of the seas, takes on the legendary swordsman Kojiro Sasaki in a duel that explores the intersection of martial prowess and elemental power.

Round 4: Heracles, the greatest hero of Greek mythology, encounters the notorious serial killer Jack the Ripper in a clash of myth and terror.

Round 5: The Hindu deity Shiva engages in combat with the legendary sumo wrestler Raiden Tameemon, blending divine power with earthly might.

Round 6: The enigmatic Zerofuku/Hajun faces off against the serene figure of Buddha, embodying the struggle between chaos and enlightenment.

Round 7: Hades, ruler of the underworld, challenges the ancient Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huang, exploring themes of mortality and immortality.

Round 8: Beelzebub, one of the seven princes of Hell, confronts the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla in a battle of infernal power and scientific genius.

Round 9: The sun god Apollo clashes with the legendary Spartan king Leonidas, showcasing the resilience and valor of mortal warriors.

Round 10: The storm god Susano’o no Mikoto faces off against the skilled swordsman Soji Okita, highlighting the clash between divine fury and human skill.

Round 11: The peaceful Mahatma Gandhi challenges the Egyptian god Set, exploring themes of non-violence and resistance against tyranny.

Round 12-13: Rounds 12 and 13 remain to be determined, promising further epic battles between mortals and gods as the tournament of Record of Ragnarok continues to unfold.

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Contestants In Future Record Of Ragnarok Fights

In addition to the characters already introduced, there are several combatants on each side who have yet to step into the spotlight. Among the gods, notable figures include:

1. Anubis: The Egyptian god of the afterlife, known for guiding souls through the underworld and presiding over the weighing of hearts.

2. Loki: The mischievous and cunning Norse deity, renowned for his shape-shifting abilities and penchant for trickery.

3. Odin: The revered all-father of Norse mythology, ruler of Asgard, and wielder of the mighty spear Gungnir.

These gods bring their own unique powers and personalities to the battlefield, promising intriguing matchups and epic showdowns as the tournament of Record of Ragnarok unfolds.

All Record Of Ragnarok Fights In Order

On the side of humanity, formidable challengers still await their chance to prove their worth in the ongoing battles of Record of Ragnarok. These include:

1. Grigori Rasputin: The enigmatic Russian mystic and advisor to the Romanov family, known for his purported mystical abilities and influence over the Russian monarchy.

2. Michel Nostradamus: The renowned French astrologer, physician, and seer, celebrated for his prophecies and predictions that have captivated minds for centuries.

3. Sakata Kintoki: Also known as Kintaro, a legendary Japanese folk hero and warrior renowned for his immense strength and prowess in battle, as well as his close bond with animals.

4. Simo Häyhä: The legendary Finnish sniper, known as the “White Death,” who achieved unparalleled success during the Winter War of 1939-1940, credited with over 500 confirmed kills using his sniper rifle.

These mighty challengers bring a diverse range of skills, abilities, and backgrounds to the battlefield, promising thrilling confrontations and unexpected twists in the ongoing struggle between humanity and the gods. As the tournament progresses, their presence adds depth and complexity to the narrative, fueling speculation and anticipation among fans eager to witness their contributions to the epic saga of Record of Ragnarok.


The compilation of all Record of Ragnarok fights in order offers a captivating journey through the epic battles between humanity’s greatest warriors and powerful mythological gods. Each confrontation, meticulously arranged in chronological order, showcases the intense clashes, intricate strategies, and profound character developments that shape the fate of both mortals and immortals alike.

From the initial clash between Thor and Lü Bu to the most recent showdowns featuring Apollo and Leonidas, the series presents a diverse array of combatants and mythical beings engaged in relentless struggles for supremacy. The evolving dynamics of each fight, coupled with the unexpected outcomes and dramatic twists, keep viewers on the edge of their seats, eagerly anticipating the next thrilling confrontation.

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