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What Rocket League Items Can Be Traded in the Game?

Trading is a feature in Rocket League that allows you to trade items with other players online. Only the site on which the item was purchased can be used to exchange it. If you make a Blueprint with Rocket League Credits Xbox, for example, you can only exchange it with other Xbox users. Your other tradable products can be exchanged regardless of the site from which they were acquired. Only other players who are also signed into the same site as you can trade with you.

Rocket League Items Can Be Traded in the Game

What Items Can Be Traded in Rocket League?

Here is the list of tradable items in Rocket League:

– Revealed Rocket League Blueprints

Rocket League Items built from Blueprints on the same platform

– Items received from Crates received prior to the Blueprint system

– Rocket League Credits (Only 1 player may trade Credits, You may trade up to 100,000 Credits)

– Free post-game Drops

– Rocket Pass items from Pro Tiers

– Items from in-game events (Haunted Hallows, Frosty Fest, etc.)

What Items are Not Tradable in Rocket League?

Here is the list of non-tradable items in the game.

– Unrevealed Blueprints

– Items built from Blueprints on a different platform

– Credits when traded for Credits (Also, Credits when traded for Items and Credits)

– Credits when traded for nothing

– Items purchased from the Item Shop (or previously from the Showroom)

– Items purchased from the Esports Shop

– Bonus Gifts and Items received from Bonus Gifts

Rocket League Trading Tips for Safe Online Transaction

Check that all that was there at the start of the trade is still there until hitting the accept button in gleeful anticipation. Scammers in Rocket League can replace items or post items that appear to be identical to a more valuable version (gray looks a lot like white!). Enable no one to rush you; it is always in your best interest to double-check each and every thing before finalizing a transaction.

To be careful of someone who wants to convince you to make a deal. Anything that glitters isn’t gold, so double-check everything about a contract before accepting it. It is your duty to study market prices; the person on the other end of the line should not be asking you how much your goods are worth, and you should not take their word for it. To double- and triple-check prices for your platform, use the trading websites mentioned above.

Since the Rocket League Trading menu only has ten slots on the list, any trades involving more than ten products on either side would force you to scroll down, making it more difficult to keep track of the other side. If splitting your deal necessitates a higher level of confidence with someone you don’t know well, try to stick to smaller trades. Outside trading puts you at risk of scams and other illegal activity. So it’s important to choose a reliable and legit supplier of Rocket League items, if you played the game for a long time, you may be heard AOEAH and ROCKETPRICES, both of them are experienced sellers with a good reputation.

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