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Hogwarts Legacy: How To Use Three Combat Plants Hogwarts Legacy

Three Combat Plants Hogwarts Legacy is a term commonly used among players of the popular video game Hogwarts Legacy. In the game, players have the opportunity to interact with various magical plants, some of which possess combat abilities. These combat plants play a significant role in battles and encounters throughout the game, offering unique advantages and strategic opportunities to players.

Three combat plants hogwarts legacy

In Hogwarts Legacy, players immerse themselves in the magical world of Harry Potter, where they attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a student. As they embark on their journey, players encounter a diverse array of magical creatures, plants, and challenges.

Among the many features of the game, the inclusion of combat plants adds an exciting element to gameplay. These plants can be cultivated, nurtured, and utilized in battles against adversaries, providing players with valuable support and enhancing their combat capabilities.

How To Use Three Combat Plants Hogwarts Legacy

In Professor Garlick’s assignment in Hogwarts Legacy, players are tasked with utilizing three specific combat plants: the Chinese Chomping Cabbage, the Mandrake, and the Venomous Tentacula. Unlike some assignments where necessary items are provided, players must acquire these plants themselves.

To fulfill the assignment requirements, players must purchase and cultivate these combat plants independently. The Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mandrake, and Venomous Tentacula can all be obtained through various means within the game. Once acquired, players can nurture and grow these plants to harness their combat abilities.

Three combat plants hogwarts legacy

As Professor Garlick does not supply the required plants for the assignment, players must take the initiative to obtain them through exploration, quest completion, or purchasing them from vendors within the game world. This adds an additional layer of challenge and engagement to the assignment, as players must actively seek out and acquire the necessary resources to progress in Hogwarts Legacy.

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How to Get Combat Plants in Hogwarts Legacy

To obtain the necessary combat plants and fulfill Professor Garlick’s assignment in Hogwarts Legacy, players can visit the Greenhouse located near the Herbology classroom. Within this area, players will find a second room specifically dedicated to housing combat plants.

During Herbology class, Leander Prewitt will guide players to this room, where they can harvest a Chinese Chomping Cabbage. Additionally, players can locate Venomous Tentacula in this same location. However, to acquire the third combat plant, players must either purchase a mature Mandrake or seeds from the shop Dogweed & Deathcap in Hogsmeade.

It’s important to note that there is a limit to the number of items that can be purchased from the shop. Therefore, investing in seeds instead of mature plants may prove to be more beneficial in the long run. These seeds can be planted and grown in the Room of Requirement once players have access to it.

Initially, players can utilize the small potting tables provided in the Room of Requirement to grow Mandrakes. However, to cultivate Chinese Chomping Cabbages and Venomous Tentacula, players will need to purchase Spellcrafts for medium and large potting tables, respectively.

Once planted, the seeds will mature within a few minutes and continue to produce goods indefinitely. This allows players to harvest each combat plant as needed to complete Professor Garlick’s assignment and earn achievements within Hogwarts Legacy.

How to Use Combat Plants Simultaneously

To utilize combat plants during duels in Hogwarts Legacy, players must first hold a designated button, which varies depending on the gaming platform: LB for Xbox, L1 for PlayStation, or Tab for PC. By holding this button, players gain access to their inventory of plants and potions.

From the inventory menu, players can select the combat plant they wish to equip and deploy it by pressing the corresponding button (LB, L1, or Tab). This process needs to be repeated three times to equip and use all three combat plants simultaneously, as required to complete Professor Garlick’s assignment.

Three combat plants hogwarts legacy

Although combat plants have relatively long lifespans when deployed, players can replenish their supply as needed, either during or outside of battle. This ensures that players can utilize each plant effectively before it expires. Additionally, players have the flexibility to repeat the equipping process as necessary, allowing them to adapt their strategy to different combat scenarios.

By mastering the use of combat plants in duels, players can enhance their combat abilities and overcome challenges more effectively within Hogwarts Legacy. For further guidance on quests, flying mounts, and other in-game features, players can refer to additional resources and guides available for Hogwarts Legacy.


Mastering the utilization of combat plants is essential for players navigating the challenges of Hogwarts Legacy. These plants, including the Chinese Chomping Cabbage, Mandrake, and Venomous Tentacula, play a pivotal role in completing Professor Garlick’s assignment and enhancing combat capabilities in duels.

Players must venture to the Greenhouse near the Herbology classroom to obtain these plants, with Leander Prewitt guiding them during Herbology class. While the Chinese Chomping Cabbage and Venomous Tentacula can be found in the Greenhouse, players must acquire Mandrake seeds or mature plants from Dogweed & Deathcap in Hogsmeade.

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