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Proven Tactics to Successfully Manage Your Field Service Work Orders

Companies across the world are enjoying the benefits that the rise of digitalization and globalization brought. Just a few decades ago, companies could not manage large volumes of work effectively the way it is nowadays.

Regardless of the industry, companies of all sizes can enjoy streamlined work across all departments like never before. Field service work orders can often be subject to interrupted workflow with catastrophic results, so taking measures to prevent unwanted consequences can help ensure long-term success.

Proven Tactics to Successfully Manage Your Field Service Work Orders

Work order management in field service operations can frequently pose challenges for businesses, resulting in unforeseen repercussions. While sub-par management is not always the reason behind setups in field service, planning upfront can be of tremendous help in preventing accidents instead of dealing with the consequences as they arise.

If you have been wondering what steps to take to provide better management for field service work orders, we have prepared a list of proven tactics to guarantee progress.

Use Technology to Your Advantage

Modern companies nowadays can employ work order management systems that help automate a good deal of the work in field service. You can accelerate the work process by enabling a more simple way for your employees to have an overview of details like customer location and contact information, work-associated tasks, equipment and service history of assets, as well as documents, manuals, or photos.

Other than tracking process progress, you can always have real-time information about your field workers’ location and their assignments statuses.

Ensure Protocol Compliance

Field service work often involves protocols and procedures to ensure safety, and implementing systems for tracking compliance is a crucial step to having a flawless workflow. Companies can implement training systems to enhance compliance, like visual training with video materials and printed forms and schematics.

Safety protocol training is of utmost importance to prevent and stop violations. Providing your technicians with protocol training and associated instructional materials can ensure compliance even when protocols are subject to frequent change.

Strengthen Communication

Like in all business spheres, circumstances beyond the scope of company operation can get in the way of field service work, so maintaining clear and regular communication is crucial to preserving workflow. As new information can impact company strategies, field service employees must have timely information on updates at all times.

Some companies implement a glossary of procedures and terminology to avoid confusion and ensure clear communication with consistent work jargon, regardless of the work in question.

Find the Middle Ground Between Monitoring and Productivity

It is vital to have status updates and monitoring activity overview at all times, but finding the perfect balance between employee monitoring and productivity is even more significant.

While supervising technicians can enhance productivity, pressure performance can sometimes negatively affect employee operations. Finding the delicate balance between monitoring and productivity can enhance employee motivation and improve the field service work process for all parties involved.

Enable Real-Time Status Updates

Real-time updates are not only useful for technicians and company operations but are very valuable to customers, too. There are countless unfortunate instances when the customer can benefit from urgent notification regarding the work in question.

When company employees can notify clients with real-time updates, it is easier to achieve an optimal time organization and make way for subsequent tasks.

Ask for Customer Feedback

Incentivize your customers to provide feedback for the work done by field service employees, as well as the overall experience working with your company. Implementing surveys and polls after an assignment is complete, helps businesses get an insight into overall customer satisfaction and identify problem areas and room for improvements. It is much easier to achieve better results in the future by evaluating completed work, taking into account the opinions of your clients.

Ask for Customer Feedback

Understand the Role of Analytics

Regardless of their success rate, all completed service work orders contribute to an overall success score that can tell a significant deal about the company. Over time, completed field service orders make up a valuable statistic that can help you get a clear overview of your business success rate in the past and how it could impact future assignments.


There are countless challenges related to field service work, however one of the best ways to ensure compliance, safety, and an uninterrupted workflow is to invest in a system that will help manage all critical aspects of fieldwork.

Mishaps in field service orders can not only disrupt the work process but also negatively impact company reputation. Implementing a structure to prevent any adversities can go a long way in ensuring success.

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