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How To Build A Booming Online Coaching Business In 2021

The business world has evolved considerably over the last year. Companies have pivoted their offerings to online solutions to cater to the restrictions imposed globally by COVID-19. The education, training and coaching industry has not been left untouched by the pandemic. Thousands of coaching businesses globally had to create online solutions to cater to their clients.

Luckily, with today’s technology, anyone can start and run a successful online coaching business. Whether you are an established coach or just starting your business, keep in mind that moving your coaching business online can help you reach a wider audience and gain greater visibility.

We took a look at some of the key ways that you, as a growing coaching business, can expand your client base, reach potential clients and create unforgettable experiences for customers you bring on board.

Create A One-Stop Platform   

Customers these days are looking for easy solutions to meet their needs, and they want it now. Brands globally have had to adapt their processes to cater to the need for instant gratification from customers, and you will need to do the same.

In order to hook your customer in, and keep them interested, provide them with a simple solution that provides them everything that they need in one place. An app is a great solution for your customer that not only has everything in one place but works in real-time and is easy to access.

Do some research on how to create an app for your business and create a platform that you can not only engage with your clients but provide them with vital information, process payment details and market directly to them. An app will allow you to integrate the vital components of your business into one place that will benefit you and your customer. Here, they will be able to access relevant content, create a profile, join sessions and even speak to you directly with real-time video calling capabilities.

Make Use Of All Of Your Marketing Channels 

Reaching new clients is about effectively marketing to them. Whether you are going to be focusing on one-on-one coaching,  or group coaching sessions, digital marketing is a great platform to reach new audiences affordably.

First, create a mailing list and regular emails that will go out to your subscribers. Make use of automated mailing platforms to create email templates and send marketing to your whole database simultaneously. Make sure these emails contain educational content, offers, new products and services and promotions.

Next, ensure that you have created and regularly make use of your social platforms. Like the emails, these should be keeping your followers up to date with your coaching services. Advertisements for your services can also be created to reach targeted audiences beyond your followers. Allocate achievable budgets to these posts monthly and carefully choose your audience, and you should see your client base growing.

Lastly, look into paid ads and Google services. These allow you to target specific keywords and increase your ranking in the search engines. So, in order to show up in the top results of Google search, you will need to put a bit of a budget behind relevant keywords and behind ads to attract an audience already searching relevant services.


Image Source: Amy Hirschi

Hook Them In With Educational Content

 You are selling education to your clients, so actually market with it. From videos to blogs and images, you will want to attract your client with your coaching expertise.

Creating a blog is a great way to heighten the SEO of your site if you are using relevant keywords correctly. Ensure that your blogs are educational enough for your clients to want to read them, so give away some knowledge in them.

As a business coach, you will be able to attract new clients with topics such as “How to manage conflict in your organization” or “4 Steps to Growing your Business”. This will allow you to establish yourself as an authority figure in the coaching business and draw in new audiences who are actually searching the phrases.

The same goes for videos. Short tutorials are great for your marketing reach. You can promote them over social media, as well as on YouTube and put some money behind them to extend their reach. Remember, you convert visitors to clients through trust.

Work On Your SEO

We have already touched on this, but let’s delve a little deeper in. Keyword research is imperative for your website, app and any social media. Google will regularly scrape your site to understand where to categorize you and how to rank you.

It picks up keywords in your text to understand more about your business. So, keep these keywords frequent and up to date to ensure you are ranking.

Make sure you also have the key elements of SEO right on your site. Things like page titles, H1 and H2 headings, meta descriptions and URLs are really important for your SEO.

Last Thoughts

In wrapping up, make sure that your potential customers can not only find you but will trust you enough to actually convert. Make sure you place yourself as an authoritative figure in your field to convert and retain clients. The more content and education you put out, the more authority you will be claiming for yourself.

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