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How To Add A Music Bot To Discord

Music bots are helpful in increasing the quality of the sound while you do not have to pay much effort while playing those songs. The fun of playing music on discord is that you get an opportunity to play along with your friends and share your music with them. So, it serves as the great medium to stay connected with your friends without any issue or any inconvenience.

Thus, Bot is an add on that runs on your server and provides you with a lot of features like music, chat, jokes, quotes etc. These are basically created in Java Python or C++ and then are they integrated into Discord so that users can use it and can interact with the help of this.

Now, often people ask to how to add music on bot, but the instructions are no where written, for this, you do not have to worry at all, because we have listed down the methods by which you can add music on bot. To do this, follow the steps given below-

  1. Log on to the server where you have permissions.
  2. Visit the bot’s website, in this case atGroovy.
  3. Select “Add to Discord”. Other bots may give you the option to “Invite” rather than “Add to Discord.” They’re both essentially the same thing.
  4. Select “Authorize”.
  5. Fill in the captcha to demonstrate that you aren’t a robot so that you can install your robot.

By doing this, you can add music on bot.

Now, other thing that is important is that to find out good music bots for Discord, for this, there are various apps that are available and out of them, spotify is considered to be best out of them.  Now, to add spotify on discord, you need to follow the steps given below.

One such is spotify and to link it with discord, and to do this, you need to do the following-

To set up Spotify and Discord follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Discord desktop application and log in.
  2. Click on the Settings icon located at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen.
  3. Click ‘Connections.’
  4. Click on the Spotify symbol (you’ll notice there are several other applications available to connect as well.
  5. A window will pop-up; scroll down and click ‘Agree.’
  6. Log in to Spotify if you haven’t already done so.

Once this action is completed; you can stream your Spotify music within the Discord app. Adding bots is a simple way to customize your Discord application and they offer more customization options than linking your Spotify account.

Now, another question is how to set up a discord music bot?

Create a bot

  • First we need to create the bot, go here and make sure you’re logged in. Click on New Applicationand give your bot a name.
  • Go to the “Bot” tab on the left and click Add Botunder the “BUILD-A-BOT” tab. Reveal the token and save it because we will need it later.
  • Copy the client ID number on the “General Information” tab and paste it instead of the CLIENT_ID here
  • In the opened site choose the server you want the bot to join and continue. Now the bot has joined your server but since you didn’t set him up he’s offline for now.

Code Editor

A code editor let’s us write and modify code. The code editor I use and recommend is Visual Studio Code.
You can also use other great editors like Sublime Text and Atom.

Node.js and npm

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime. It basically lets us run JavaScript code on our machine.

Download Node.js from its official website, discordjs requires v12 atleast.
To check if you installed it correctly, open your terminal (cmd or bash depending on which OS you are), and run node -v, you should get a number back. If you’re struggling with installing Node, check out this guide.


  • After we’ve set up everything we need, it is time to run the bot!
  • Go to your terminal(cmd, git bash or bash), you probably see on the left that you are now in your user folder(C:\Users/”username”). Enter cd Desktopto go to your Desktop. Then ‘git clone’. \
  • You are cloning(copying) my bot repository from GitHub so you can use its code.
  • Now fire up VScode. Select “File” in the top left of your screen, “Open Folder” and select the Master-Bot folder that was cloned into your Desktop.
  • You should see all the repos content on your editor.
  • Click on js. In line 7 change the id inside to your Discord user ID(see here) how to get it.
  • Now create a new file inside the bot folder, name it jsonand paste the following json into it:
  • Replace “Your-Bot-Token”with the token you copied in the first section and youtube-api-key with the key you got from the Youtube section.
  • The last step is installing the dependencies using npm. Open your terminal(make sure you’re on desktop or wherever you saved your bot repo) and hit npm install. Then enter node index.jsand you should see your bot coming to life! You should be able to join a channel, use the !play command and your bot will play music.
  • That’s it, in the repo’s README you should be able to learn about the bot’s commands.


In this manner, you can a music bot to discord and enjoy its application with your friends and do favourite activity of yours. Now, since we have already deliberated upon all the steps and other necessary details that are necessary to get discord installed in your device and to enjoy music on your server without any disturbance or any inconvenience. Also, make sure to follow each and every step carefully so that you do not have to face problem thereafter. So, add music on discord, and enjoy chatting, playing games, music on discord and revive your memories.

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